Monday, May 20, 2013

Mother's Day ... a little late

I found these pictures and forgot I hadn't shared them.

Hamilton made a beautiful flower bouquet with his little hands. Except, his hands aren't so little, are they?
 Hollister made this card for me. My favorite "Muddrs Day" card! Look closely, you can read it!
CJ bought a new angel to replace what he and Hollister broke a while back.

I also got a great gift card, I am just waiting to spend. Yes, it is burning a hole in my pocket Mother!

The night before, my husband took me out for dinner and a movie. Just the two of us. It was really great!

The best part of my day? Not doing dishes at all. Kendrick and CJ did brunch dishes and Trevor did dinner dishes. I was enjoying it so much, I didn't even think to take pictures! Seriously, I am a simple girl, who loathes washing dishes more than anything in all of house cleaning.

1 comment:

Zora said...

Why am I not surprised that you hate dishes. You have always hated dishes ;-)