Friday, January 30, 2009


he went #2 on the potty!!!

he said he needed to go potty... he asked me for a diaper, of course I said no.
We worked through together and HE DID IT!!!!

3 days and counting, no accidents at school!!!!

He gets lazy here at home now and pees his underwear and then tells us "I wet!"

But, today was a MAJOR stepping stone!!!!

He ran and got his Daddy and said, "Come see what I did in the potty" hee hee and yes, Trevor came and saw!


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Uncle Travis came to visit us from New Mexico. Hollister warmed right up to him. He thought it was cool that Daddy had a brother. CJ shared a room with Uncle Travis. He slept on the couch 2 nights, apparently Uncle Travis snores loudly. LOL

How sweet is this?

Uncle Josh came over the last night Travis was here. We had all 3 brothers together. Why is it when men get together, they get competitive? It must be in their genetic make up. They played golf together during the day and before dinner played football.
Hollister got into it too!

The other boy you see in some pics is a neighborhood kid who just wanted to play.

Potty Training Update: It is a battle sometimes. We go 2 steps forward, 1 step back. He does really well at home. Day care is another issue. They are trying though. We have decided one accident a day is not defeat. Tonight he stood up for the first time at home. He is also undressing himself and won't let us help. It is quite a feat for him. I now know why clothes are inside out when I do laundry. It starts when they are very young and they never take them off correctly. This is something I go round and round with my 2 older boys.

So, we continue to work on it. I figure he will be potty trained for kindergarten or I'll home school.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

One week and counting....

It's a been one week since we began potty training. It has been difficult, I will be honest. The first weekend was successful, I think. I mean, 3 accidents in 3 1/2 days. I was okay with that. Mentally though, I was exhausted. The only time I relaxed is at nap and bed because he was back in a diaper! I was glad to go back to work.

Then he went to day care. I thought that would be helpful.

Day 1: When I got there his boots were outside on the porch. That was not a good sign. When I saw him he was in different clothes and even had different shoes on. He was very excited about that. He says, "Mommy, look, new shoes!" He just didn't get it. Mommy was not thrilled. That night he did better at home.

Day 2: Boots on the porch AGAIN. UGH! I was very frustrated. This time he had actually had TWO accidents at school. I also learned that they have him standing at school. We sit at home. That night he did okay at home. We tried standing. Oh, that so doesn't work. He just wants to smack himself on his butt and say, "spank my butt, spank my butt" Yea, he's a hoot I know. (rolling my eyes, not laughing here!) I was thankful for bedtime.

Day 3: NO BOOTS ON PORCH!!! I was thrilled and when I saw him he was in the same clothes from the morning. I was crazy excited. I had also talked to the director that morning, maybe that helped! No accidents all day. This was definitely a successful day!

Day 4: Trevor picked him up. Boots on the porch. We're regressing! He had one accident. When I got home I told Trevor he isn't ready and we're stopping. I am stressed about it and Hollister doesn't want to do this. He said not to give up, but what does he know, he's the Dad. I'm the mom, I'm done!

Trevor had also asked me to try and get him to sit on the potty and he wouldn't. He cried and cried. I know he is NOT ready!

I went for a run, I needed a break and a workout. When I came back CJ said Hollister went pee and that he actually told Trevor he needed to go. WHAT?!! That to me is HUGE. He actually KNEW he needed to go.

This is how it went down.
Trevor: Hollister do you need to go potty?
Hollister: No, Daddy.
Trevor: Will you try Hollister?
Hollister: No Daddy.

about 3 minutes later.....

Hollister: Daddy, I need to go potty.
Trevor: Well, let's go.
Hollister: Downstairs Daddy.
Trevor: No, we can go up here.
Trevor: Okay, you'd better go.

Side note for my teacher friends. I'm thinking about making this a Reader's Theater script for my reading group. What do you think? LOL

so they went downstairs and he went!
Why? who cares? He wanted to go potty! So they took his seat to the downstairs potty and he went!!!

Later that night he told me he needed to go potty. We sat, he didn't go. This happened several times, but at least he is trying.
He did have an accident and we talked about it. He just kept saying, "I sorry Mommy" It was close to bed so I put a diaper on him.

Later he came and said he needed to go potty. I was excited because he had a diaper on and didn't just go in it. He didn't actually go but we did sit on the potty.

This morning he told me he needed to go and HE WENT!!!

So, I guess I am not giving up. Baby steps Mom, baby steps. I am down to 2 diapers which of course is not enough because we aren't even close to night time underwear, but I'm off to buy diapers, hopefully for the last time if I buy a big box!

We haven't ventured in the car more than a half mile to day care in underwear and not sure I feel brave enough to do it yet. Our drive to Wal-Mart is kind of long, plus public bathrooms freak me out. So, he'll have a diaper on this time.

Like I said, baby step, baby steps....

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Potty Training Part 2

So, we have 2 full days behind us. How's it going? I guess okay. He has had 3 accidents total, nothing major. He sits on the potty all the time, but only because we make him. He has peed in the potty a lot more than I thought and he is very excited about it when he does, but I get the feeling he isn't really ready. I think he'd be fine if I just kept a diaper on him. Just a feeling I am getting.

We won't stop and see how it goes at day care this week.

Potty training is exhausting, mostly mentally. I was prepared with underwear and tricks and treats, but mentally it is work. Everyone has their theory of what to do and how to do it quickly. I think it truly depends on the child. When they are ready, they will let you know.

Brandy, new mom and friend, asked about a book for potty training. I am sure they are out there. I do wish I had gotten a story book and read it to Hollister over the past few weeks, but I never did. I also know there are books about how, when etc for parents... I have never bought them.

CJ potty trained himself really... I don't remember the details. What I remember is it was painless. That's how it should be.

What I do know is how stinking cute that boy is in his underwear though! Gotta love that!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Potty Training Part 1

I have decided to potty train Hollister this weekend. I chose this weekend because I have Monday off. The plan is to stay home ALL weekend and for him to wear underwear except nap and at night. I have a timer and plan to take him every 15 minutes. I have tons of underwear bought, washed and ready.

Hollister is 3 years and 2 weeks old. He is not showing interest in the potty, but I am ready. So here goes!

At 4:30 I tried putting him in underwear. He flipped out. We are off to a great start, wouldn't you say? Trevor had to step in. It really chaps my hide how that boy does stuff for him and not me. I set the timer which Hollister is obsessed with. As I type it is in the bed with him and I keep hearing it ring.... Why aren't you sleeping Hollister???!!!

At 4:45 he sat on the potty for 5 minutes. Nothing.

At 5:00 he refused to sit on it, so we set the timer for another 15 minutes.

At 5:15 He sat on it and told Trevor to leave him alone. Then about 3-4 minutes later said, "I done" We went in and HE HAD PEED!!! We of course made a huge deal about it. he was very excited. He celebrated with a sucker and an apple! (His choices)

At 5:55, he sat... nothing

10 minutes later, nothing
15 minutes later, nothing
15 minutes later, nothing
30 minutes later... he wet his underwear. We did go sit in the potty anyway.
I was actually okay with it. I mean heck, over 2 hours and we're just now changing the first accident. I can handle this!

At 9:00, he willingly sat on the potty again. 5 minutes later I asked if he was done. He said yes. Well, he had gone, but he said, "I made mess Mommy" Yep, he apparently started to go and didn't keep it pointed down so it was all over the floor. UGH! So, I cleaned it up and kept drilling him on where the pee-pee is supposed to go.

When all was said and done, he gets down and says, "I sorry Mommy". Too sweet!

Then I told him we were going to put a diaper on for bed. He was not happy about that at all. He ran and got the timer and kept saying he would set it. He didn't really understand, or he does and was procrastinating bedtime!

All in all, our first attempt I say was a success.

3 pairs of underwear, 1 big mess to clean up and 2 actual times in the potty.

Tomorrow will be a whole new day, a longer day and we will see how he does. I think he is ready so I am anticipating great things!

Think happy thoughts for us!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Check him out!

We had Hollister practice in the back yard on this thing so the neighborhood was safe. He started off shaky, but has gotten lots better. He now steers both ways.
He actually did the sidewalk today and was surprisingly good. He was good until he saw people or tried to wave at me. I was running the neighborhood and "ran" into he and his Daddy at the mailbox or of course I would have had my camera!

On a smaller scale, Hollister got this truck for his hot wheels on Saturday from his Grandma. It was birthday gift. He is obsessed with it. It holds a lot of cars and trust me, he stuffs it full. he sleeps with it and when he comes to our room at 3am he brings it with him. That is not a joke, he truly does.
He has also figured out that he can ride it. As you can see, he enjoys it. It truly has helped with the cars not being everywhere, at least not as often. I think as I type, they are all over the floor. It'll be nice when I go to work out in the morning!

Also, I noticed that when I video this kid never seems to have pants on. Why? I am not sure. he kicks his pants off when I change his diaper a lot and guess his mom is too lazy to put them back on. Imagine that? hee hee

But after this weekend, cross your fingers... uh, not a joke either... are they crossed?, he won't be in diapers any longer so look forward to some underwear movies. I am sure you can hardly wait.

And be assured that potty training blogs are on their way. Don't worry though, I'll keep it clean.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

This is Nenick!

This is Kendrick ... better known as Nenick in our house thanks to Hollister.

This is Nenick and his brothers at breakfast.

This is Nenick and his brothers in their PJ's.
This is one of my favorite moments from the holidays.

This is Nenick playing video games,
while Mickey and Goofy watch.

This is Hollister watching Nenick play video games.

This is Nenick playing a video game and CJ watching.

This is Nenick and Trevor playing video games.
Are you seeing a trend here?

This is Nenick and Hollister "hiding".

This is a hiding game Hollister made up. Apparently he doesn't think we can see them through the big holes in the basket!

Now, just in case you think all Kendrick did was play video games, let me point out that he did go to work with his Dad every day. The video games were his "off times". He's a junkie, that's for sure, but we have set limits here at our house. We also spent a lot of time watching movies, his other most favorite thing to do.

We miss Nenick!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

12 days AFTER Christmas

Then 2006
Now 2009

12 days after Christmas... 3 years ago, Hollister Todd Hodges was born!

Last night I put my two year old to bed for the last time. This morning I will wake my 3 year old for the first time. Neither are very fun times in our home. He cries to go to bed, he cries when I have to wake him up. In between though, he's pretty amazing.

5 years ago, I just knew I would never have another baby, a little less than 4 years ago, I was shocked when I learned I would. Shocked is an understatement really.

3 years ago, the first words said about him were, "wow, he's a tank!" and he was. He weighed in at 9lbs 3 oz. I kept telling everyone it wasn't just all the food I was eating, that baby was B-I-G!

He definitely is a tank. He tears through this house like a tank, that is for sure.

He is incredibly special though. I didn't even know I was missing something, but thankfully God did. Hollister has brought us all such joy. He keeps us laughing and we're hoping young in future years.

He talks non stop and most of the time says sweet things like, "luv you Mommy" But sometimes, he is not so nice. Like when he told me, "you shut your mouth Mommy" Think we should watch what we say here? yea, we are learning the hard way!

But he is always cute, and always a joy in our lives. He is helping his selfish mommy to be less selfish. (and that ain't an easy task!)

I love birthdays. Its a remembrance of a wonderful time and memory for me. Its a time to remember a miracle, a blessing. I need to remember these when he is frustrating me or trying my patience (are those the same things?)

My baby is 3 and I find that hard to believe! I just plan to enjoy the day and remember!

Happy Birthday sweet boy!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Hollister's Day

Hollister''s birthday is Tuesday. He will be 3. That is so hard to believe. Since Kendrick leaves Monday, we celebrated today.

We spent the afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese in Round Rock. It was loads of fun for all the boys, and that includes Trevor. That man loves him some skee ball and I have the pictures to prove it!

Hollister loved playing the games too. He also loved when Chuck E. Cheese came out. He wasn't afraid of him at all. He went right up with all the other kids. He even gave him a high 5 and took a picture with him. He is definitely growing up.

We came home and had cake. He was thrilled with his Pooh cake. It is, oh okay, was... HUGE!! We have eaten a lot of it :)

Then we opened presents. He got match box cars, books and a movie. Then the grand daddy of them all!
To say he loves it is an understatement. He rode that thing for a long time. Thank goodness the weather was nice today.

yes, he is S-P-O-I-L-E-D!!!! but of course, all of our kids are!

There are so many pictures, when and if I find time, I'll make a slide show.

In the meantime will someone please tell my children to STOP GROWING!!!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ringing in the New Year

When I was 9 months pregnant with Hollister we started a holiday tradition, making gingerbread houses. That first year I ate my way through my house. Heck, was about to give birth in less than a week, I was entitled. My house was also pathetic that year.

So this was our 4th year. We give each person a box of graham crackers and a tub of icing and said go for it!

Here's the 2008 results!

This was Hollister's first year. We think he did pretty well for his first attempt. He did what Mommy did years ago... He loved it so much, he ate it!

CJ's house: I think he said it was a bomb shelter, no door though. He has a swimming pool and carolers on the grass. We never know what he is thinking, we just let him do his thing.

Kendrick always starts off with a bang and tires himself out. He worked hard on those "angles". He was proud of his hot tub on the roof. We just let him do his thing too.

This is my house. I really struggled with my roof this year. I ended up making "twin peaks" I love icing and use a lot! I'm all about color and fun. Can you tell?
Then there's Trevor. He can't just have fun. This is serious business for him and he becomes quite competitive. I know, not shocking to any of you who know him.
This is actually "our house" He made the bushes in front and the bushes on the side in front of the AC unit (the cookies stacked on the side). He even did the backyard. Those are his "banana trees" in the far corners. Oh, and the red in front of that, the landscape bricks. Can you say over achiever? We call that anal in this house! His fence and his grass, oh and of course the concrete for the driveway and the back patio you can't see here... he's pathetic. We know, but we love him!
Oh and btw... no, our house is not yellow.

The whole process is an ordeal. I can't say its total fun. If you know us, you know we always have drama with competition and all. But, the end result was fun and it was a neat way to start our new year. We finished well after midnight.