Then he went to day care. I thought that would be helpful.
Day 1: When I got there his boots were outside on the porch. That was not a good sign. When I saw him he was in different clothes and even had different shoes on. He was very excited about that. He says, "Mommy, look, new shoes!" He just didn't get it. Mommy was not thrilled. That night he did better at home.
Day 2: Boots on the porch AGAIN. UGH! I was very frustrated. This time he had actually had TWO accidents at school. I also learned that they have him standing at school. We sit at home. That night he did okay at home. We tried standing. Oh, that so doesn't work. He just wants to smack himself on his butt and say, "spank my butt, spank my butt" Yea, he's a hoot I know. (rolling my eyes, not laughing here!) I was thankful for bedtime.
Day 3: NO BOOTS ON PORCH!!! I was thrilled and when I saw him he was in the same clothes from the morning. I was crazy excited. I had also talked to the director that morning, maybe that helped! No accidents all day. This was definitely a successful day!
Day 4: Trevor picked him up. Boots on the porch. We're regressing! He had one accident. When I got home I told Trevor he isn't ready and we're stopping. I am stressed about it and Hollister doesn't want to do this. He said not to give up, but what does he know, he's the Dad. I'm the mom, I'm done!
Trevor had also asked me to try and get him to sit on the potty and he wouldn't. He cried and cried. I know he is NOT ready!
I went for a run, I needed a break and a workout. When I came back CJ said Hollister went pee and that he actually told Trevor he needed to go. WHAT?!! That to me is HUGE. He actually KNEW he needed to go.
This is how it went down.
Trevor: Hollister do you need to go potty?
Hollister: No, Daddy.
Trevor: Will you try Hollister?
Hollister: No Daddy.
about 3 minutes later.....
Hollister: Daddy, I need to go potty.
Trevor: Well, let's go.
Hollister: Downstairs Daddy.
Trevor: No, we can go up here.
Trevor: Okay, you'd better go.
Side note for my teacher friends. I'm thinking about making this a Reader's Theater script for my reading group. What do you think? LOL
so they went downstairs and he went!
Why? who cares? He wanted to go potty! So they took his seat to the downstairs potty and he went!!!
Later that night he told me he needed to go potty. We sat, he didn't go. This happened several times, but at least he is trying.
He did have an accident and we talked about it. He just kept saying, "I sorry Mommy" It was close to bed so I put a diaper on him.
Later he came and said he needed to go potty. I was excited because he had a diaper on and didn't just go in it. He didn't actually go but we did sit on the potty.
This morning he told me he needed to go and HE WENT!!!
So, I guess I am not giving up. Baby steps Mom, baby steps. I am down to 2 diapers which of course is not enough because we aren't even close to night time underwear, but I'm off to buy diapers, hopefully for the last time if I buy a big box!
We haven't ventured in the car more than a half mile to day care in underwear and not sure I feel brave enough to do it yet. Our drive to Wal-Mart is kind of long, plus public bathrooms freak me out. So, he'll have a diaper on this time.
Like I said, baby step, baby steps....

Yeah Hollister. I totally understand the smack your butt. G says I love my tushy when he smaacks his. (I think it is a boy thing.)
Idea - under pants then a diaper or a pull up. Pull ups by themselves are a waste but with underpants under them they are great. They are easier than diapers to pull down when out and about. You could even send him to school this way. I did this with M. Worked great. He got to wear underpants and I had some security of no mess to clean up if he had an accident. (except the underpants of course)
Awe, sweet little Hollister. He's going to get it when he is good and ready and it sounds like he is almost there. "Spank my butt"? I laughed so hard reading that!!! Ohh, gosh, boys are so hilarious!
So glad he is coming around. I hate that its so hard but remember NO DIAPERS will be here soon. Good Job Hollister!!! Wish he knew I'm constantly thinking about him and missing him. So glad I get to hear all the good stuff.
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