Hollister''s birthday is Tuesday. He will be 3. That is so hard to believe. Since Kendrick leaves Monday, we celebrated today.
We spent the afternoon at Chuck E. Cheese in Round Rock. It was loads of fun for all the boys, and that includes Trevor. That man loves him some skee ball and I have the pictures to prove it!
Hollister loved playing the games too. He also loved when Chuck E. Cheese came out. He wasn't afraid of him at all. He went right up with all the other kids. He even gave him a high 5 and took a picture with him. He is definitely growing up.
We came home and had cake. He was thrilled with his Pooh cake. It is, oh okay, was... HUGE!! We have eaten a lot of it :)
Then we opened presents. He got match box cars, books and a movie. Then the grand daddy of them all!
yes, he is S-P-O-I-L-E-D!!!! but of course, all of our kids are!
There are so many pictures, when and if I find time, I'll make a slide show.
In the meantime will someone please tell my children to STOP GROWING!!!
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