I have decided to potty train Hollister this weekend. I chose this weekend because I have Monday off. The plan is to stay home ALL weekend and for him to wear underwear except nap and at night. I have a timer and plan to take him every 15 minutes. I have tons of underwear bought, washed and ready.
Hollister is 3 years and 2 weeks old. He is not showing interest in the potty, but I am ready. So here goes!
At 4:30 I tried putting him in underwear. He flipped out. We are off to a great start, wouldn't you say? Trevor had to step in. It really chaps my hide how that boy does stuff for him and not me. I set the timer which Hollister is obsessed with. As I type it is in the bed with him and I keep hearing it ring.... Why aren't you sleeping Hollister???!!!
At 4:45 he sat on the potty for 5 minutes. Nothing.
At 5:00 he refused to sit on it, so we set the timer for another 15 minutes.
At 5:15 He sat on it and told Trevor to leave him alone. Then about 3-4 minutes later said, "I done" We went in and HE HAD PEED!!! We of course made a huge deal about it. he was very excited. He celebrated with a sucker and an apple! (His choices)
At 5:55, he sat... nothing
10 minutes later, nothing
15 minutes later, nothing
15 minutes later, nothing
30 minutes later... he wet his underwear. We did go sit in the potty anyway.
I was actually okay with it. I mean heck, over 2 hours and we're just now changing the first accident. I can handle this!
At 9:00, he willingly sat on the potty again. 5 minutes later I asked if he was done. He said yes. Well, he had gone, but he said, "I made mess Mommy" Yep, he apparently started to go and didn't keep it pointed down so it was all over the floor. UGH! So, I cleaned it up and kept drilling him on where the pee-pee is supposed to go.
When all was said and done, he gets down and says, "I sorry Mommy". Too sweet!
Then I told him we were going to put a diaper on for bed. He was not happy about that at all. He ran and got the timer and kept saying he would set it. He didn't really understand, or he does and was procrastinating bedtime!
All in all, our first attempt I say was a success.
3 pairs of underwear, 1 big mess to clean up and 2 actual times in the potty.
Tomorrow will be a whole new day, a longer day and we will see how he does. I think he is ready so I am anticipating great things!
Think happy thoughts for us!
WOO HOO! I was wondering about you yesterday. It seems to be going well and I will think HAPPY PEEPEE THOUGHTS! LOL
That is the cutest!! "I sorry, Mommy." Awwwweeee. And that picture of him with the sucker and apple. ;) It sounds like he's doing great already! Go Hollister!! So any books you can suggest about potty training. I won't have a clue when it's time.
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