Friday, April 16, 2010

Time to make the pizza

Kendrick has a job! He is the pizza man at Little Ceasar's here in Elgin.
So far he is enjoying it. Tonight he came home with a pizza he made on his own and "shared" it with us for dinner. Wonder how long it takes us to get our fill of pizza. LOL

No time to talk, "time to make the pizzas"

BTW... can you believe how tall and thin he is? He has lost 50 pounds since he moved here in May, yes, FIFTY!!!

oh and one more thing... this week his graduation announcements arrived and let me tell you, he is excited!

I, on the other hand, can not believe all of this is happening. But it is, so we are embracing it.


Zora said...

Good for him. Sad for you, your build in nanny now has a job.

Mya and River said...

50 lbs?!!! Woah! He looks great. Don't know how you embrace so much change without tears. lol Wish I was more like you. ;)