Monday, January 31, 2011

13.1 Checked off the bucket list

Does running a half marathon officially make you a runner?

My first reaction to that question is YES!

My second, No... if you run more than one and can honestly say you enjoy running,
then you are a runner.

Am I a runner?

NO!, in big bold capital letters.

I am a proud half marathon FINISHER!
I earned that medal and that cookie!
I had a goal a while back. To run a half marathon before my 40th birthday. I completed my goal yesterday. I ran in the 3M Half-Marathon here in Austin yesterday. I did want to finish under 3 hours and I did. My chip time was officially 2:42:48. I finished 3,851 out of 5,750 people.
I met my goal.

I can check this off my "bucket list". (Which I don't really have)

So back to this being a runner thing...

I have always wanted to be a runner. When I started running, I hated it.

I have gotten better. I like it a little more than before.

But running for almost 3 hours is different than just going for a run around the block for some good cardio work.

At mile 4, I contemplated quitting at mile 6. That's where Trevor was going to be for the first stop and I could just tell him to take me home.

When I saw him at mile 6, I thought I can't quit....

So, here I am... running... not quitting...
I did walk some of it and I am not ashamed of that. I took a race walking class in college and learned good form and I know I am a fast walker. I am a slow runner and I don't have good form. So, when I walked, I race walked and I was able to keep a good pace. It felt good too.

At mile 10, I was wiped... I couldn't imagine running 3 more miles. I felt like everyone was passing me. I knew I could make the goal of under 3 hours, easily... But I was tired.

I never thought of quitting after mile 4 though. I guess I figured if I was this far into it why quit?

At mile 12, I still thought I had longer to go than I did. I recall hearing someone say, "Look up, you can't breathe with your head down." See, bad form, I tell ya.

So, I lifted my head and low and behold I saw the finish line! What? I'm gonna make it. I'd love to say I busted out into a sprint at this time. But that just didn't happen. I just kept going and looked for Trevor. They announced my name as I went over the line, which was cool, but I just wanted to stop running which I really couldn't do.

I did see Trevor and he did get this great picture!

When we met up and he hugged me, I just wanted to cry. I was very weak. But, I had done it. It didn't take long before I blurted out, "Glad I did that, but I don't want to do that again, ever!" I think he was a bit disappointed, but I do not enjoy running. I do not get a runners high from completing something like a half marathon. I just get tired. (and today, I am so sore!)
I also have a nice shirt and a shiny medal and yes, I will be able to say I ran a half marathon.

This is Donna. She also ran. This is her second half. She is running another one in 3 weeks. She is a runner, she has a sickness. But, its not contagious, trust me, I know!

I will keep running, because I actually like running shorter distances. I like 3-5 miles. I have also decided that I can do a relay for a half marathon. That's a 6-7 mile run.
As a matter of fact, Trevor and I are signed up for the Capital 10K in March.
That is how we will celebrate my 40th birthday!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Why I love January birthdays!

One word: CLEARANCE!!!!

Without even meaning to, we were able to get more toys for Hollister's birthday because of the awesome clearance sales. And ya know, we just don't have enough toys in our house!

Trevor and I happened upon this train set by complete accident.
It was an absolute steal and we just had to get it.
We paid $20 for the table, the toys, and the basket.
Have you the set up at Barnes and Noble in the kids section?
This is almost the same (smaller though) and trust me, its more than $20 at B&N.
The other day we were at Target and looked at buying another train for it.
The ONE train was $20 by itself... like I said, it was a steal of a deal!!!!

And its a bonus that Hamilton likes it too!

More Trio toys! This was actually an original gift, but he did get a bonus bucket of trios that we found on crazy clearance!

And this is what can be built using all those Trio toys!

the backside

No, he didn't build this elaborate toy by himself. The oldest boy, aka Daddy, in the house helped. But, Hollister is extremely creative with these Trio toys and I could start an entire new blog based on what he builds on his own!

Btw.. We did NOT buy the $20 train piece. Clearance, people... Clearance is the key word here!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Domino Effect

Hollister got this present for Christmas from our neighbors. With this, he got this:
One random piece of a toy.

As we were reading the back of the box, we noticed that as you buy the other toys, you get a new piece of this random toy. Once you have all SEVEN, you can put the random toy together.
yep.. here's the other six toys in the series
and viola! here's what those random pieces create!

And this is how parents get suckered by toy companies to buy their products. Cuz, come on, what would we do with one gorilla leg?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The cancelled birthday party

This year for Hollister's birthday, he wanted a Scooby Doo theme. We decided to have a party at the house and invite his day care class. What we didn't know was that 3 other kids had birthday in his class that same week. When you divide kids into classes by age, this is what happens.

So, instead of having 2 kids at the party, we cancelled it. But, we had decided to take his best buddy Jack to Chuck E. Cheese. We take him every year anyway, so this is was not a big deal. As the week progressed before Saturday though, I found out another one of his friends could come. They are "Round Rock" friends, so we invited them to join us at Chuck E Cheese.

Saturday, we loaded up our friend Jack and the older boys and headed out...

Trevor made an awesome Scooby themed cake! Hollister LOVED this!!! Even though we weren't doing a Chuck E Cheese birthday, they allow you to take cake and presents in.

We love Chuck E Cheese!!!

The boys loved playing basketball

Hollister and Jack at air hockey!

Silly boys!

Thanks Chance, we LOVE Imaginex toys!

We also love Trio Legos... he has a zillion of these already, but these were on a crazy after Christmas sale, so we had to get them!

He is thrilled with this toy because it completes a set that he has. (more on that later!)

Thanks Jack!


This is Kylie. She is 3 months older than Hamilton. She was not thrilled that he was touching her or her chair. They were pretty comical to watch.

Last year at Chuck E Cheese:

This year:

We really had a GREAT time and what started out as a trip to Chuck E Cheese for fun, turned in to a great 5th birthday party!!!

Can you believe my little boy is 5?

Oh and don't be fooled. These big boys like Chuck E Cheese too. They just don't like their picture being taken!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday Hollister

Today he turned FIVE!!!
You eat at Mc Donalds when a 5 year old chooses the place for dinner.
At least its a remodeled Mc Donalds here in Elgin, it was very nice dining facilities.
Daddy made this special cake, just for Hollister.
Check out the inside... it's ICE CREAM.
Hollister's favorite ice cream is mint chocolate chip,
thats what's inside this cake.
We capped the night with presents and bowling!

Today was just family... stay tuned for more this weekend....

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Connecting with Kinect

For Christmas, Santa brought our family Kinect for the XBox 360.Kinect uses a laser that makes YOU the controller for a video game. I gotta say, I am completely amazed by this new technology. I remember when Atari was amazing, I remember Pac-Man and Frogger being the new big thing. This Kinect is definitely advanced, way past those days.
(Kinect is XBox's answer to the Wii.)

We have Kinect Sports and Dance Central. As a family we are bowling champs! I love this because even Hollister can do it with us.

We used the Dance Central game during our New Years Eve party. It was a blast. We got our groove one with our neighbors.

Trevor getting his groove on! Amanda practicing her moves. Kristy, the dancing queen and my Zumba partner! Mike, who is now known as the dancing King! Lukas making all the dancing so fun! I am really glad we bought this and I can totally see us using it lots. They have a Zumba workout I am hoping to get and Trevor has his eye on NFL Training Camp. (We have to wait for the Kinect version though, its only out for Wii and the PS3 Move.)

Come visit us and expect a Dance Off!!!!