Sunday, January 2, 2011

Connecting with Kinect

For Christmas, Santa brought our family Kinect for the XBox 360.Kinect uses a laser that makes YOU the controller for a video game. I gotta say, I am completely amazed by this new technology. I remember when Atari was amazing, I remember Pac-Man and Frogger being the new big thing. This Kinect is definitely advanced, way past those days.
(Kinect is XBox's answer to the Wii.)

We have Kinect Sports and Dance Central. As a family we are bowling champs! I love this because even Hollister can do it with us.

We used the Dance Central game during our New Years Eve party. It was a blast. We got our groove one with our neighbors.

Trevor getting his groove on! Amanda practicing her moves. Kristy, the dancing queen and my Zumba partner! Mike, who is now known as the dancing King! Lukas making all the dancing so fun! I am really glad we bought this and I can totally see us using it lots. They have a Zumba workout I am hoping to get and Trevor has his eye on NFL Training Camp. (We have to wait for the Kinect version though, its only out for Wii and the PS3 Move.)

Come visit us and expect a Dance Off!!!!

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