Thursday, August 30, 2012

First Day of School

Finally... (sorry for the wait mom) I am writing this on day 4 of school.

 Hollister started first grade! He seems so big now. He is wearing his Baha and after three days, all is going well. We did see the Dr. yesterday and they are wanting his teacher to wear a microphone as well. We will be getting this into place asap!

CJ is in tenth grade! He hates doing this, but I made him!!! Trust me, he is not smiling for real!

As for me, I am in 6th grade again. Things are going really well. I have also been given the title of Math Department head. It's kind of a big deal, and comical too. This year is a 180 from last. 90% of that is based on MY attitude, I am positive of that. 5% is based on some serious changes here at the school and the other 5% I chalk up to just knowing what the heck is going on and what middle school is all about.

So, we are off to a good start and already anticipating our first three day weekend!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Time to slow down and remember...

We are busy with the beginning of school, Trevor has the flu, it is kind of crazy here. Of course, nothing new for us
But, we do not forget the importance of this day and every day. We mark this day to remember Travis, but we think of him often around here. I know my husband misses his brother, I know my son misses his uncle, my in laws miss their son. Take a moment and send the ones you love, well, some love!

Travis Shane Hodges
January 22, 1974- August 26, 2009

Friday, August 24, 2012

An Early Christmas List

Can you guess what Hollister will be asking for at Christmas time?

I know I need to update I will soon. Work has started and you know that means life is crazy!

Monday, August 13, 2012

1st Day

The first day of school is actually two weeks from today. My first day of work is on Wednesday, but today I attended a workshop, so Hamilton's first day at his new day care was TODAY.

He is attending the Early Childhood Development Center through Elgin ISD.

I have been talking this "new day care" up for a while now. We have football practice close to it nightly, so I have been trying to ease his mind about going. After 2+ years at his old day care, he cried daily when I dropped him off.

This day care is different and more structured like school. Hamilton took a back pack and his lunch. He was so excited. For today, no tears. I could tell he was nervous, but he held it together. He was also very happy when I picked him up.

He won't go tomorrow, its our last official day of summer. We will see how he does Wednesday. Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Checking in....

Cj is driving...
Let's just say, thank goodness he has 10 months to practice until he actually turns 16.

Buckle up People!

Hollister had a tooth taken out by the dentist recently. he also have a few loose teeth. Guess the tooth fairy will visit us a lot in the months to come.

Hamilton had a 2 1/2 year check up last week. He is 36 pounds and 36 inches tall. He is 100% boy, very talkative and loves the outdoors! 

Trevor and I just returned from Las Vegas, so hopefully I will be posting about that soon.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Are you ready for some football?

WE ARE!!!!!

Hollister started football practice last night. He is doing flag football this year. The next 2 1/2 weeks we practice EVERY NIGHT for 2 1/2 hours. Yes, for flag football. He is in conditioning practice.

Conditioning for all the running and the heat.