Thursday, May 31, 2012

Graduation Cake

Trevor made the graduation cake for Hollister class.

This cake had some new elements to it. He made people!
These are some of the people parts.
These are graduation caps.

How cute are these kids?
He made stars too.  
 All these pieces came together to make this awesome cake!!!

Trevor started this cake Sunday. The boys love "helping". They love that he makes these sweet yummy treats. Monday, Trevor worked and Hamilton and I were downstairs starting our day. Hamilton kept saying, "I make fondant, I make fondant". I heard him, but was in the dining room. He was in the kitchen. I walked over and this is what I saw:

Fondant anyone?

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Graduate

We may still have a day and a half left of school, but Hollister has officially graduated from Kindergarten.
Before graduation
With his diploma

Dad and the grad

Mom and the grad

Proud parents

Getting in line!

Here's a video of Hollister accepting his diploma. It was hard to take photos and video. I couldn't decide which I wanted more. So, I missed his name being called. But, you get the point.

After the ceremony he was quick to lose the cap and gown. It was quite the party with cake, ice cream and pizza.

This year has been a good one for Hollister. His biggest accomplishment was getting all 12 sight word list completed. There were 12 words on each list.  He completed this as of last week. This is the chart in his class to show progress. We are so proud of how hard he worked to learn all these words.
He is #11 on the list.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hamilton's First Airplane Ride

Amidst all the drama in our house with Hollister's broken arm, Hamilton had his first airplane ride last week.

Our nephew, Christian, graduated from high school last week in New Mexico. Trevor and the boys went  for the ceremony. I had to stay here and work. I did enjoy a few days of a VERY quiet house, but man, I was glad to have them back.

They left on Saturday. The boys were so excited! We had kept it a secret up until the last minute. Hollister knew he had a "surprise" but had no idea what it was. I know he was hoping for a toy. When Trevor told him he was going on an airplane, he was thrilled. He asked where and I asked him, "Where do you want to go?" His reply was "Hawaii". I hated to disappoint him, but he was still happy to go to New Mexico. He said several times that the surprise of an airplane trip was a lot better than a toy!

I know, it's a dark picture. But this is Hamilton in front on "his plane". I really missed not being there for his first flying experience. The boys were given some "wings" and coloring books and crayons when they got on the plane. Hollister was sweet enough to bring me some peanuts back upon his return.

The boys found their "Hawaii".

 They flew on Saturday evening, so this is what Hollister had on his wrist during the flight. It was obvious something was wrong. 

 I picked them up Tuesday night and I know they had a great time. Hamilton kept saying "I ride airplane. It go fast" It was really cute. Hollister made sure I knew he was talking about the landing being the fast part.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

It's official

Hollister definitely broke his arm. He actually has THREE breaks! Hey, if you're gonna wear cast for a month, you mine as well make it worth your while, right?

X-rays with the orthopedic surgeon show that he did break his wrist on his growth plate in two places. They also checked his elbow because it hurt when they touched it. Confirmed! Another break! And yes, on his growth plate.

So, he has a full cast for the next month. He is such a trooper. It is huge and hard and heavy. He does wear a sling though.

Let's add some color! He originally picked red. I love the baby blue and so glad he changed his mind.

 I love that he smiles even in the midst of all this mess. He is such a big boy!
He can not swim or even play on a playground where dirt could get in his cast. He can not go to a bounce house or play activity where running and jumping are involved. I see movies and library trips in our future.

Its a yucky way to start summer break, but oh well. He has ear surgery the beginning of June as well, so this is actually good timing for the no swimming part.    

And on a side note: Trevor took all these pictures on his phone. I am so happy that he took so many. He knew I'd want the whole process! Thanks honey!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

First Cast

Yesterday, before Hollister's third soccer game, he fell on his arm. He cried and we knew he hurt it, but he could move it and it seemed okay. He fell during the game as well and winced quite a bit.

That evening he headed to New Mexico with Trevor and his brothers for the next three days.

This morning Trevor took him to Urgent Care in New Mexico. They took x-rays and it appears that Hollister has sprained or fractured his growth plate. He has been referred to an orthopedic surgeon.

They put a cast on it and I am researching doctors to call first thing tomorrow and on Wednesday, he will be seeing a Dr. Both injuries are treated the same. He will leave the wrapped cast he has now or be put into a full cast for 6-8 weeks!!!


Thank goodness soccer and baseball are over for us! Plus, he has surgery on June 4th on his right ear, which means no water for a month. So, we will start our summer with waterless activities!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

End of Soccer

Saturday ended our soccer season. This season Hollister played up in U8, even with one more year of eligibility in U6. He actually scored 2 goals, which is much more than we ever expected. He missed several games due to his ear surgery, but end the end, it's all about the trophy!

I love taking pictures of him up close. It reminds me how absolutely BEAUTIFUL he is. I honestly think he was supposed to be my girl. Instead, he'll be my most beautiful boy!

We also ended our baseball season this past week. Little League is still going on, but we are through. So, that trophy presentation will be later. Stay tuned! 

Field Day

Hollister had field day Thursday at school. I took a half day off from work and was able to attend. It was a blast!

Field Day is done in a rotation format. There were 8 stations, students had 15 minutes at each station.

Station 1: Water Slide
One of Hollister's favorites of course. He keeps asking me to buy a water slide for our house.

Station 2: Golf Ball Race
Instead of walking with an egg, they walked with a golf ball (less messy, I guess). Hollister didn't drop his once.

Station 3: Hurdles
He rocked at this station. Check out that jump!

Station 4: The BIG water slide
Another favorite. That is his teacher with another student. She was a trooper riding that thing with him.
Station 5: The Sack Race
Hollister was really looking forward to this race. He knows he is pretty good at it.

Station 6: The "high jump"
This was so comical and he wasn't so graceful at this one.

Station 7: The Snack Bar

How beautiful is this kid?

Station 8: Watermelon Eating
The school ask parents to bring watermelons for this station. I wish I had taken a picture of all the watermelons. There were tons!

This is what his shoes looked like afterward. YUCK! But totally worth it. He had a blast and I was so happy to be part of it

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Teacher Appreciation

Last week was teacher appreciation week in the public schools. The Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students) had a hamburger cookout for the teachers at Hollister's school. Trevor made the dessert!

It was a big hit. Funny thing is, no one would cut it. It was photographed quite a bit though. The apple is Rice Krispie treats covered in fondant. I personally think he did another great job!

It was eaten eventually, we were told from the back to the front. Silly teachers, cake is for eating!

Sunday, May 6, 2012


Okay, so this should catch me up. It all falls on one day, but at each event has it's own title and post. If you get this emailed, sorry you got so many today. School is almost out though and maybe I can blog more frequently.

Prom you ask? I know, CJ is too young, Kendrick is too old. Well, sort of. Kendrick's girlfriend, Caitlyn is a senior so technically he isn't too old.

This is his second go around with prom. I reflected on his first prom here.

He wasn't thrilled about the pink, but boys "in love" do wear pink!

Caitlyn's dress was really beautiful and even Trevor commented how nice it was.

Caitlyn's mom ordered these so they would match. They were perfect.

Hamilton just wasn't in the mood.