Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Texas Tradition

Last week we were given FREE tickets to the Longhorn football game. Free, people... you don't say no. Even when your blood bleeds maroon. And when your husband and your friends bleed orange, you just go with it.

We headed out with our kids and neighbors and their kids, all 8 of us... in the hot, in the traffic.. oh and one is 8 months pregnant!!!!

We "tailgated" for a little while on the parking garage roof. Kristy's shirt is sooo cute! It says "future longhorn" with baby hand prints! It does pain me to see those boys in orange, but they are still soooo cute!

I don't own anything burnt orange.

They were playing BYU, they are blue. I was neutral. I wore brown. The walk to the stadium didn't seem far from the top of the garage, but when we started walking, it was! It was downhill which was nice. The number of people was insane!!! All in burnt orange. I am sorry, its just not a pretty color people. Tony was a huge help. He walked with Hamilton a bunch and held his hand to keep him safe. Once the crowds increased though, it was Daddy time! What a trooper... it was hot and that walk was long.... Here's the Longhorn band. They were good. But being there in all that orange and seeing their band, sure made me miss Aggieland!

The boys had a GREAT time. They were well behaved and it truly was a great experience!!! And for free tickets, I'd do it all over again!

1 comment:

Zora said...

a free college football game is hard to pass up. I love that picture of Tony and Hamilton. I love pictures of older kids caring for younger kids.