Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Video Treat

I am keeping my fingers crossed that this works. 

Hamilton is quite the singer around here. This is him singing in the car. The quality is bad, I know, its a iPhone for goodness sake. But, you get the point. He figured out I was videoing at the end so he was silly. But, this is the fun we have in our car when we go anywhere! 



Zora said...

Cant find the video. :-( loving all your post though

Elizabeth said...

I don't know why. It is hosing up when I edit.

Hmmmph. I will work on it.


Elizabeth said...

It is showing up, not hosing... Seriously auto correct?

Zora said...

Might be my tablet. Will try on my computer. Auto correct and I hae a love hate relationship.

Zora said...
