Friday, June 5, 2015

Pre-K Graduation

It's official, Hamilton is going to Kindergarten in August! 

He is registered and has officially graduated from Pre-K. 

His school had a super cute graduation for the kids a few days ago, 

We are so proud of our big boy! 

Check out those small chairs! PRECIOUS! 

Each student received a book and a reward for being able to count to 100 and another classroom award. Ms. Gretchen also mentioned that Hamilton can count to 100 by 10's and 5'. very impressive for Pre-K! 
Hamilton received the shoe tying award. He is the only one who  mastered it in his class. This makes us super happy. His determination has paid off and he is the youngest child in our house to learn to tie their shoes BEFORE going to Kindergarten. 

At the end, they were allowed to throw their hats up in the air. It was funny because when she told them they could, they all just stood there. They had practiced, but once the time came, they were nervous. They warmed up pretty quickly though! 

Our Pre-K graduate

With his buddy, Tyler 

With his buddy Ruston 

"The Boys" as they are referred to

After the ceremony, they had cake and punch for everyone. 

One of the Aunt's made these for each child. Super sweet and tasty too! 

 This has been Hamilton's teacher this year. She is A-MA-ZING! 
Ms. Michelle 

So excited for his next adventure! 

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