Saturday, April 30, 2016

Surprise Road Trip

Major League Baseball season started a few weeks ago. We've been watching a lot of baseball recently. The boys have been anxious to get to an Astro game.

I decided to surprise them with a road trip. Finding a time to go is rough with school, sports and weekends without the boys. But, we made it work.

They were excited when I showed them the tickets. 
When I told them we were go that very day, well, they were BEYOND THRILL! 

Off we went, for a night game! 
Yep, a NIGHT game. 
The boys had the next day off from school, so I knew they'd be okay. 
I had to work, but anything for my boys! 

Before the game, we had some fun with some fun facts about our favorite Astro players. 

Then we had some fun in our seats! 

Yes, we got photo bombed by a Red Sox fan!!! 

Notice how every picture of Hollister is sweet and Hamilton, well, always silly!! 

Spotted our favorite mascot!! 

Hamilton loves the National Anthem. 
See, he can be serious. 

Play Ball! 

Hamilton wants to be part of the game. 
He had some fun in the stands. 

Unfortunately, the Astros didn't win, but they did make it interesting!!! 
They tied it in the bottom of the ninth!!! 
It was already passed 10pm and with a 2+ hour drive home, we were conflicted whether to stay or not. We NEVER leave games early!! 

We had a fun, a lot of fun, 
We spent the next few days tired and it was worth it in every way! 
We can't wait for the next game! 


Zora said...

Making memories!

Zora said...

Making memories!