Friday, May 6, 2016


 Better known as appendicitis!!!

Hollister woke up Wednesday morning and told me his stomach hurt. I did the normal mom thing, "Where?" and then "Do you need to poop?"

Off we went to school. I knew from looking at him that he would never last the day.

I was right. I got the call around 10ish. Thankfully, I am right down the hall. I know his pain tolerance and I knew if he was complaining, something was not right.

I took him to Urgent Care close by. In less than 5 minutes, the doctor told me to go to Dell ER, He probably had appendicitis and needed a Cat Scan.

Honestly, only a little panic set in at this time. My concern was getting him there, making arrangements for Hamilton who was still at school and getting hold of all parties involved.

Things went amazingly well and fast from this point.

I have amazing friends and they were ready and available to help me at the drop of a hat. 
It helped keep me at ease and I could focus on taking care of Hollister.

Hollister was checked out very quickly and scored 7/10 in favor of him needing his appendix taken out.

He had some blood work done. High white blood count,,, added another point... 8/10.

The ER doesn't actually do Cat Scans for appendicitis due to radiation, but an ultrasound could have been an option.

When the surgery team evaluated Hollister, they didn't feel an ultrasound was necessary because of all the signs.

Surgery was scheduled very quickly and by 4:15pm he was headed that way.

Thankfully this was caught EARLY. His surgery lasted less than an hour and it was very successful.
Sweetest boy ever! 
Knocked out and resting! 

He and I spent the night in the hospital.

He was pretty knocked out from all the medicine. Around 8:30 he got some visitors. He woke up and was still pretty groggy, red from being hot and not in the mood to talk.
Thankfully we had some amazing nurses and within the hour he was awake, little pain, cool as a cucumber and even talkative. The change was amazing.

After a short visit with his friends and dinner, he seemed so much like his old self.

 His friends Jonah and Jack came to visit! 

Even made some goofy faces for me! 
So good to see him being silly again. 

He went to the bathroom for the first time, which was a big accomplishment. Then he was ready for a walk around the nurses station. He needed to do at least 2-3 laps. He sped through 5, talking the whole time. It was wonderful to see.

He also had some breathing exercises and he did really well.

He and I watched videos together until we were exhausted and then we crashed.

Hollister slept through the night and woke up with very little pain.

He ate breakfast, walked, and did everything they asked of him in order to go home.

We were discharged before lunch. 
He's home for a few days and taking a two week break from baseball. 

So pleased that it was caught early and he didn't endure much pain for very long.
As always, Hollister took it all in stride. 

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