Friday, August 5, 2011

Ceramic Fun

For our anniversary, Trevor and I went here. We loved it and knew Hollister would too.
Every Wednesday they host a children's story time and the kids get to make a plate to go with the story that includes their hand print.
We chose not to have Hamilton make a plate this time, man was he anxious though. He loves when we paint at home.
Story time: This week's book was Puddle Pail about two crocodile brothers.
Painting time!

Hollister learned how to make polka-dots using the end of the paintbrush

Hand print time: The "teacher" helped him create a "crocodile" with his hands.
A week later:

They drew the crocodile for him and added his name.

He loves it and can't wait to eat off it.

1 comment:

Zora said...

very cool and fun! Great job Hollister!