Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Catching up...

oh heavens, I am sooo behind...

Sports may be over, but we stay busy. I haven't been taking as many pictures though. I lost my camera battery and need a new one. The pictures keep collecting on my phone though.

We celebrated a quiet thanksgiving at home. We started the day cheering Daddy on while he ran the Turkey Trot in downtown Austin. It's a 5 mile run. The boys and I hung out in all the madness and waited.
It was fun.

Last week we went to make a Christmas plate and listen to Santa read a book. The Santa was really skinny and really young. The boys were a little freaked out honestly.

They loved making the plate though.
 Hollister's teacher participated in Mc Teacher night, so we had to go eat at Mc Donald's that night. This is when teachers go work at Mc Donald's for a few hours. It is a fundraiser. We did it at the middle school as well. When we got there we were surprised to see this guy! Hamilton kept his distance, but Hollister was excited.

We also had our annual dessert party. It was fun as always and no, no pictures at all. Think fattening desserts and people sitting around having some fun. Oh, we did watch the Heisman presentation at the beginning of it and WHOOP!!!!! But, of course, my husband would not like it if I posted a picture of the Aggie who won on our family blog. It was exciting though.

This weekend, we took the boys to see the "real" Santa. Here's the huge tree Trevor thinks we need in our house.

I was anticipating a great picture because Hamilton was really into telling Santa what he wanted and had sat on Santa at his day care a few days earlier. I know its blurry, but here they are waiting.

Then, it was our turn and things changed quick. Hamilton wanted NOTHING to do with Santa this time. He completely wigged out. But Hollister was a trooper. Thank goodness Hamilton sat on Santa's lap at his day care.

 Here's my big boy.

As quickly as it went bad, it went good.
Look how happy he is afterward. He is thrilled with his brother and his reindeer ears.

We spent a few hours in the mall, playing and looking around and then headed to to Main Event for bowling, rock climbing and fun with Uncle Josh and Aunt Nikki.

Next post will be all about rock climbing. I have a ton of pics! Stay tuned!

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