Monday, June 23, 2014

All Star Weekend

Hollister is part of our Elgin Youth Baseball league All Star team. 

This is his first year as an All-Star. 

Trevor is coaching. He is the pitcher for our team. 
For this tournament, ALL coaches wear full uniform. 
Trevor is thrilled with this. He thinks it should be like that all season. 

Of course, his biggest fan has to be a part of it as well. 

We began our first tournament on Saturday. 

We lost the first game 11-10 Saturday morning at 10:45. 
Hollister had 3 singles. 
He also had 3 assisted outs. 

The tournament is double elimination. Any loss from here on out and our team is out. 

Saturday afternoon at 4pm we played a second game. 

Hollister had two triples and a double. 
He had 2 RBI's and had 2 runs.
He had 1 assisted out. 

With that win, we played a third game of the tournament Sunday morning at 9am. 
Remember, a loss, and we are done. 

WE WON!!!! 
Hollister had a single and TWO HOMERUNS!!!! 
He had 2 RBI's and scored 3 runs himself. 
He had 2 assisted outs and caught 1 pop fly for an out. 

 This win also guaranteed us a spot in the next level of all-star tournaments next weekend. 
The remaining games for this tourney will put us in a "seed" spot for that tournament. 

 I will have to work on getting some better pitching pictures of Trevor. Sorry, I missed his face. 

Hollister on deck. He is the second batter in our line up. 

Waiting for his pitch. Not sure which at bat this is. Since he was 12 for 12 though, it doesn't matter really. 

We played another game at 4pm Sunday. 

Hollister had a single, a double and a HOMERUN!!!! 
He had 2 RBI's and scored 2 runs. 
He had 1 assisted out and caught another pop fly for an out! 

As you can tell, Hollister played very well! We are really proud of him and his hard work!

This win means we are at minimum the 4th seed for next week's tournament (4 out of 6) 
We will continue play for this tournament Monday night at 7:45pm. 

Stay tuned! 

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