Friday, December 12, 2008

12 days before Christmas

Thoughts I am having on this, the 12th day before Christmas.....

12. We have ZERO presents bought, none for our family, children, each other, etc.. ZERO. what are we waiting for?

11. I have lost 11 pounds and I'd better not find them over this holiday season.

10. I have a few gifts I am making this year and have I started? NO!!!! again, what am I waiting for?

9. CJ splitting Christmas break between his parents. UGH! I don't get Christmas morning this year, after 9 years it never gets easy! WAH!

8. Kendrick comes in 8 days.

7. What am I going to get for my husband? Why are men so hard to buy for?

6. How will I entertain my children over Christmas break and not go broke? Be creative Elizabeth, be creative!

5. 5 more work days WOO HOO!

4. Will I still have to get up at 4:30 am to fit my workouts in? I certainly hope not.

3 HOLLISTER IS TURNING 3!!!!! 12 days after Christmas (oh that will have to be another post) and I have to plan his party!!! and if you know me, I am a party planner and I always go over board and trust me, a little thing like Christmas will not change that! But, I still panic about it.

2. the list of to-dos is getting longer and longer

1. Watch this video and imagine, 1 more body(Kendrick) involved in that and you'll see why I need Calgon. (Did I just show my age or what?)


Sandra said...

I don't need to imagine #1...I live it everyday :)LOL and to think I'm still considering 1 more :) LOL

Elizabeth said...

wow, are you serious??!!!
we aren't against it either....

Zora said...

This is my life without the big one. Try 4 little ones with one little one who has no idea what is going on and 3 who don't know when to stop.

I feel your pain and need some Calgon too

Mya and River said...

You are right!! Men are so hard to shop for!! As for shopping, do it on-line! ;) Best way to avoid the crazy crowds and traffic! Go you losing weight!!

Elizabeth said...

sorry Zora, no way can I imagine them all little! :)

God knew what he was doing.. he knew what sister could handle what!!!!
