Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Name Change

So, I have to change my blog name. Instead of 4 blues, we will have 5 blues and 1 pink!

We had our ultrasound today and IT'S A BOY!I realized I haven't taken any belly shots yet.

We are thrilled. I am happy to get the room ready for the younger boys now and not worry about combining boy and girl stuff....

I am thrilled that we have tons of "boy stuff" already.

I am excited that Hollister will have a brother close to his age.Hollister wanted to take a picture of his belly too. We talked him into kissing my belly instead. SOOO CUTE!

I am even more excited that the baby is healthy and growing rapidly and everything looks good.

I have my pink laundry room and I'm holding out for granddaughters! LOL


Mya and River said...

I'm so, so happy for you guys!! I know that Hollister is going to be so excited. And what a lucky momma you are to have those boys who will grow up to be men who love and watch after their mom. I want a boy just for that reason. One day you will have a girl in the family, but just be thankful that you don't have to worry about all that hormonal drama!

Unknown said...

You look gorgeous! Congrats again on a healthy boy!

Sandra said...

HOLY MOLY!!!! Look at that belly :0 Where did it come from? heehee You look MARVELOUS DARLIN'!