Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dads vs. Kids game

For the last practice, Trevor had the Coaches/Dads play the team in a game of baseball. The Dads had to use their left hands (unless they are normally left handed) and they had to bat from their knees.

It was very comical and lets just say, boys will be boys... no matter of the age. Hollister battingHe made it to first base, Dad didn't get him out!Now he's on 2nd.Trevor batting from his knees. He made it to 1st base Hollister on first another time after batting.

Final score was something like 22,000 to 15 in favor of the kids! LOL

It was loads of fun and it was a nice way to spend the last practice. Even though, Hollister told his Daddy, "This is not practice." I know he had fun, but he didn't want it to be called practice.

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